NW Leveling
Weapon Mastery Boost

Weapon Mastery Boost

Weapon Mastery Boost
Select your region:
cpl amount EU: SKU: Price: Qty:
l1 1-5 +$1.02
l2 6-8 +$2.04
l3 8-11 +$2.55
l4 12-14 +$3.06
l5 15-17 +$3.57
l6 18-20 +$4.08
cpl amount US: SKU: Price: Qty:
l1 1-5 +$1.02
l2 6-8 +$2.04
l3 8-11 +$2.55
l4 12-14 +$3.06
l5 15-17 +$3.57
l6 18-20 +$4.08
Final Total:
Buy Weapon Mastery Boost on bestboost.club

    New World doesn't have a usual class system like many other MMORPG's. Instead, there is a unique New World weapons system set in place - you can choose any weapon currently available in the game and master it to the limit. As you use it to defeat your enemies, you will gain associated experience. With each new level, you will gain a skill point, with a limit at 20 total. You can spend those skill points to unlock new abilities and passive perks that will change your playstyle depending on what you choose. You can hold up to two different weapons at a time, and can match those that you like the most. There is no limit to weapon mastery you choose in New World, so you can level all of them to use at any time!

    Unfortunately, leveling New World weapons skills is as tedious as leveling your character. It takes a very long time, and by the time you get 60 with your character you will level exactly two weapons to the maximum. But there are many benefits to mastering more weapons than just two: not only do you have the freedom to switch your playstyle as you see fit, but you also get an opportunity to use more powerful weapons as they drop to you. Depending on your situation and group composition, you will be very versatile for dungeons, world activities, and PvP. That's why if you are not feeling like it, BestBoost.Club team offers buying New World weapons mastery for your character!

 Boost ETC: 1 - 3 days. Depending on your current Weapon Mastery skill.

 New World Weapon Mastery Skills Boost includes:

• We will get specified New World weapon types on your character to a specified skill level. You will get 20 skill tree points at the maximum level for the chosen weapon to customize your playstyle.

• Sword and Shield focus on mitigating incoming damage and disabling the enemy via crowd-control. Become the frontline of your group and increase their damage, or be their shield wall and reduce their incoming damage.

• Great Axe excels both at single target damage and crowd fights. While a bit slow, it is excellent at finishing off low HP enemies. Execute your enemies one by one, or gather them all in one place and become a whirlwind of destruction.

• War Hammer is a weapon for those who want to stop the opposition's advance. Slow down, break your enemies' defense, or pile through them with ground crushing strikes.

• Rapier is very much a duelist weapon. A perfect single target focused strikes, with the ability to evade your opponents' attacks instantly. Tire and bleed your enemies to death, or gracefully dodge their every attack in quick succession.

• Hatchet is a perfect berserk weapon. Very useful for those who don't want to care about dodging or just want to pile through as much damage as possible in a short time. Become an unstoppable force of will with leech and death-defying abilities, or throw as many hatches as you can at them.

• Spear is a very good side weapon to switch to whenever you have a skill available on it. It has decent AoE, as well as focused single-target abilities. Rain an unstoppable barrage of attacks, or pierce their armor with impaling attacks.

• Bow is a great weapon with a barrage of ranged attacks. While it can be quite poor at long range due to arrow fall off and travel distance, it is great at close to the medium range due to its quick pull and release, and it allows you to quickly AoE down a tightly crowded pack.

• Musket is a great ranged weapon that greatly excels at executing your adversaries in their heads. It's a gun that shoots one powerful bullet at a time, but you can also specialize yourself as a trapper and make the area around you dangerous to traverse without caution.

• Fire staff is the first magic weapon that requires mana to use. You can use it to cast long-range fire spells at the crowds in front of you or become a pyromancer and go face to face with your enemies in the heat of battle. One of the best weapons for ranged weapon mastery.

• Frost Gauntlet is great at slowing down your enemies and chilling them from a distance. While the range is not as great as other ranged weapons, it is pretty good as a side weapon and works well with almost any combination.

• Life Staff is the only support weapon available in the game. You can heal your friends by setting up targeted or AoE abilities, or you could buff players and debuff enemies with a leech aura.

 Requirements for purchasing New World Weapon Skill boost service: 

• Your character must be maximum level;

• You must have Steam Guard active;

 How is New World Weapon Mastery completed?

    After you complete your purchase, we will enter your character when your account is free and equip chosen weapons for the masteries you have picked. In case you have no such weapons, we will either craft or obtain one through gameplay, but you should have a substitute ready for the booster to use. After that, the real weapon mastery grind starts, where we will kill Elite high-level spawns in the open world or bosses inside the dungeons. That’s how we will raise your weapon in New World - the most convenient way will be chosen and executed, and when the boost is finished, we will free your account and inform you about service completion via email.

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